When Your Kid Calls and Says, “I Think I Made a Mistake” — How to Help Without Hitting the Panic Button

When Your Kid Calls and Says, “I Think I Made a Mistake” — How to Help Without Hitting the Panic Button

So, you’ve just gotten “that” call. Your college freshman is on the other end of the line, feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and saying they think they made a mistake choosing this school or is homesick. They want to come home, right now. First things first: take a deep breath. This kind of call is actually super…

The Ultimate College Care Package Guide: Show Your College Kid Some Love!

The Ultimate College Care Package Guide: Show Your College Kid Some Love!

Sending a college care package is like sending a warm hug in a box! For college students, a little love from home can mean the world, whether they’re swamped with midterms or just feeling a bit homesick. If you’re looking to brighten up your student’s day (and maybe help them survive another week of dorm…